iTi News from: 09-2011 |
Four ingredients. Simple, appealing, tasty and low in calories while maintaining 100% juice claims! i Tropicals R&D staff has developed and tested some ideas for blending coconut water with apple juice and other exotic tropicals to achieve a lower calorie, 100% juice beverage. The coconut water lowers the caloric load by lowering the percentage of high calorie fruit juices, while the exotic fruits add an interesting option for the consumer seeking something new in a functional beverage. Please contact us at iTi Tropicals to receive a PDF on coconut water as an ingredient including some formulation ideas. Working with coconut water is simple and fun while at the time same time innovative. To demonstrate this, we developed seven blend ideas all consisting of 4 ingredients only. The constants are apple juice concentrate, banana puree and coconut water concentrate. The fourth is an exotic fruit that we also supply. Banana puree is added for consistency. Apple juice to have a commodity in place (which can be interchanged with others: grape, pear, etc.), coconut water to lower to overall calories and the exotic fruit to give it interesting/appealing nutritional/marketing /labeling aspects. Note: we do not supply the commodity (apple, grape, pear etc.).