iTi News from: 02-2014  

Juicier Lemonade with Coconut Water!

Many fruit juice products are high in natural fruit sugars (which is a good thing).�But because refined sugar and high fructose corn syrup are common to most lemonades, many parents worry that their families consume too much sugar.

With this in mind, Lawrenceville, NJ-based iTi Tropicals, has developed innovative ways to deliver 100% fruit juice blends using coconut water. One example is a delicious and refreshing 100% juice-content lemonade with less sugar and a reduced caloric load.

Lemonade with Coconut WaterUsing coconut water, acerola and lemon as the juice constituents, a 100% juice content lemonade with lower calories is now possible. It is easy to formulate a refreshing lemonade having 1/3 fewer calories per serving, (compared to a standard lemonade product sweetened with or without fruit juice).�

How's it done? Coconut water not from concentrate has a single-strength brix of approximately 4� compared to 11.5 �brix or more for other NFC juices used to balance the acidity of lemon. Coconut water provides significant levels of electrolytes, while lemon juice and acerola bring in vitamin C.

For insights into how to formulate "juicier" lemonade and other consumer-preferred fruit juice blends, contact iTi Tropicals, a leader in tropical fruit juices, purees and concentrates.

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